Friday 4 October 2013

Getting exercise!

Hey guys! How are you all doing?

Yesterday I talked about cleaning the house...Which I still need to do. Today I want to talk about getting outside and getting some exercise and be moving.

Now I know that our lives are very busy and we just think "I'll just do that later....I'll start exercising tomorrow." And so on. I was like that for a very long time, and still am most of the time. But now I have a puppy which needs to be exercised regularly. Chikondi is probably the main reason I started getting out and walking every day. So that is one reason to be up and active. But that isn't enough. It's a start, which s great! Now for a couple weeks I was doing pilates and I loved it. But I got sick and things just fell apart and I haven't been able o gt back into the routine. I am going to give you guys some tips to get into the routine of exercising!

1. Time. 

Okay, so we all know that there isn't enough time in th day. But we all know that exercising is very important so we need to think of ways to make time to exercise. A few ways that I find time is instead of watching a music video or two in the morning while getting ready, Push back getting ready and find a 5 or 10 minute routine that you enjoy to do so it doesn't take up much time and you can be energized throughout the day. Or if you can't do that take a little bit of time while lunch or supper is cooking and do a few sit ups, push ups, squats. Something that will get you moving. Basically make time where you think that you don't have time.

2. Routines. 

Another thing you can do to help being able to exercise during the day is have a play list or routines picked out that are a couple minutes that you can do while either getting supper ready or just about to get into the shower. Instead of having to go and look through all of your routines and try and figure out which one you want to do that day, just pick one from your play list and do it. I know for me it can take 15 minutes to try and find a routine that I want to do. It's very time consuming.

3. Procrastination. 

My biggest issue with almost anything is procrastination and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I get caught up in youtube or other things that I just forget to do it. When originally I went on youtube to find a routine to do. I don't know how to not procrastinate when it comes to things that..don't REALLLY need to be done. If it something that needs to be done then I am all over it. But something like..dishes, exercising, laundry..any house chores really I am just horrible at getting it done. But I'm working on it. A good way to stop procrastination is to exercise with some one else. A friend or family member that you feel comfortable with then when you don't do it you aren't just letting yourself down. It may help you find the time to do it even though you don't really want to.

Those are my tips to try and get some exercising done. Hope they are helpful.

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A few tips to make house cleaning easier!

Hey guys!
How is everyone doing?

For the last few weeks I haven't been feeling well and I have just been bumming around the house. not really doing anything. making my house not the cleanest. This is the first time I have been on my own(Away from my parents) so it is extra hard to remember to do all that cleaning stuff. I envy those people that are just naturally clean and organized. If I am feeling well and everything is right in my life then I am a clean person. When there is stress in my life that I am unable to cope with then, my house suffers. So I have come up with a few tips that I want to share with you to help keep your house clean!

1. Putting things away. 

I think one of the biggest things for me personally is putting things away after I use them. Now, you must understand that I don't live by myself. I live with my husband and sometimes he isn't the cleanest and forgets to put things away. (Which can be very frustrating) A lot of the time when I'm cooking I will put things away after I am done using them..but that is only in the kitchen. Every where else in the house I don't do that as much. So I need to work on that. Also I need to work on not getting distracted or procrastinating.

2. Make a list\chart. 

I have a "gold" personality. Which means I like lists and organization and structure. Making a list that I can see and check off the things that I have done is very rewarding to me. I like to see the things that I need to do instead of coming up with them on the spot. I would never get anything done. When I was growing up we had "chore lists" that my mom would make up and we would check off the list what we did and if we didn't get something done that day we had to do it the next day along with the other chores. Which makes sense to me. Of course there were chores that we had to do everyday, like the dishes and since we had at least 5 people in the house everyday we normally had to do laundry everyday. So make a list, or a chart and put it up where you can what the point of this section was. If you are more willing to do things for a reward, reward yourself with a show or some internet time or something that you enjoy doing so that you are more willing to get things done faster.

3. Pick a certain time to do certain  tasks. 

Another thing that really helps me is having a set time to do tasks. For example doing dishes either, after supper, in the morning, or before going to bed. Sometimes I like to do dishes after every meal that isn't for everyone though, But picking a time that works well for you will make all the difference.
People say that it takes between 15 - 20 times to get into the routine of something. So even though it is difficult and you don't want to do the dishes, in reality, no one else is going to do them and the more you put them off the more dishes you will have to do when you do have the energy to do them.You have to be persistent.

4. spread out tasks. 

Instead of doing EVERYTHING all on one day I find it more helpful to do things over a period of the week. Of course having those few chores that need to be done daily or every other day, like dishes and laundry. Things like sweeping, mopping, cleaning the bathroom, dusting could be done every week. I believe that sweeping on mopping should be done on the same day and then have things like the bathroom be done around Thursday or Friday, maybe do some dusting on the weekend. Not everything has to be done on one day. Space things out and don't over exert yourself.

5. Distractions. 

Don't get distracted. a really good thing for me is to have a play list that I can listen to or a few shows that I can watch\listen to while I clean. The worst thing for me to do is to have to switch songs every 3-4 minutes, I just get distracted by the computer and facebook and things like that, then I don't get things done. The faster you get things done the more time you have for yourself.

And that concludes this blog!  Let me know how this works out for you or if you guys have any suggestions for me, please don't hesitate to comment.

Bye guys!

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't been blogging lately. I have had a lot of things going on.
First I went to Nova Scotia to visit my family and my husbands family for a week. Then My mother in law and her other kids came up to our house for a week. So I have been with my mother in law for 2 weeks.
It got a little intense. I mean I love them so much and love visiting them but I love my space. I am an extreme introvert. I like my own space with no one in my house...which I haven't been able to have for such a long time.
Second. I have been accepted into school! Veterinary Hospital Assistant. I am starting on October 7th. Which I am so excited for! I am someone that needs to be doing something, either working or school or..something. But I haven't been able to find work. So Monday I picked up my books and have been studying my butt off..just so I can get a grasp at what we are going to be learning. So I might not be able to keep the blogs up to date as well but I will certainly try!

Anyway have a good day guys! I'll see you on the next blog.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Exercising and being healthy

Hey guys, how is everyone doing?
As you can tell by the title I want to talk a little about exercising and being healthy.

The other day me and my family decided to do some pilaties and it was great. The next day my muscles were so sore but I had this very strong feeling of pride. I was proud of myself for pushing through that work out. I liked it so much that I have decided to do some more exercising. Tomorrow I am going to be doing that same video, that same routine and tomorrow I will feel sore but amazing. I am a person that likes to exercise. But my husband is not.
One way that is good to get a partner to exercise with you is to give them something in return that they want. Also if they aren't into the work out that you are into, maybe look for something that they are interested in. If they like video games make a pact saying that every time they work out with you, you have to play a game with them.
You don't want to push yourself too hard, so if you are looking to do a video of some sort make sure that it is a beginnger one so that you aren't over working your muscles. Ese into exercising, maybe start with once a week or just a couple of times a week. The point of exercising is to become healthy and happy with your body, you don't want to push yourself and end up hurting yourself which may lead to not being able to exercise for a couple if months. It is very important that you don't over exert yourself. Another way to exercise without taking time out of your day to exercise if you just don't have time is to exercise while you are doing the dishes or start running a little while walking if you have time for that. Today, me and Chikondi (my puppy) went for a walk and we would run for a few minutes until I couldn't and then we walked for a  e minutes until I could get my breath back. There is always something you can do, maybe it is jumping jacks while you re watching tv or leg lifts. Be creative with your time. It will pay off in the long run.
After working out you need to get your blood sugar back up with something healthy..not deep fried French fries. Smoothies are very good for getting your energy back and they are pretty healthy. For me, I want to be healthy all over. I want to be eating healthy as well as exercising. But I don't like vegetables so it is pretty hard. We are also tight on money which makes it much harder because we all know that a bag of chips is cheaper then fruit. One thing that we are doing is stocking up on one type of food (meat/starch) one week and then buying fruits and veggies another week. As I don't like veggies I have to push myself to pick up things that I might not like, but I have to force myself to exact. And trying new things. It takes 15 times to change your taste buds..that isn't so bad is it? You just have to push through those first times and then it becomes routine.
I am going to be updating more about my struggles with eating healthy and exercising. But I also want to hear your struggles and successes!

Thursday 29 August 2013

Dealing with the system.

Hello everybody. 

How is everyone else doing today?
Me? I am grand. I keep getting told "no" today. "No" I can't get on welfare. "No" we can't give you funding to go back to school. "No" we actually can't give you the phone plan that we said we would. 

So, I am here to talk about schooling. 

A little bit of background information about my schooling history. I was a very good student for a number of years, I did my work. Then I got into middle school and high school and I didn't study or do my homework but I still made good marks. (Could have been better) but I got by. The last few years of high school things got bad and I dropped out a couple of times. I was having family and personal problems and I couldn't deal with school as well. I got pregnant and was very sick then lost the baby. I was completely wrecked. All this happening while trying to go to school, trying to deal with depression. SO I dropped out. 1 credit to go. I tried going back the next year but I wasn't made to be in the system anymore.

And that leads us to today.

My name is Kimberly Pozzolo. I am 19 years old. I can not go back to high school. I can not be a "mature student" because I am not 21. I can not receive funding to go back to school because I don't have my grade 12. I can not get my grade 12 because I can not go back to high school and in New Brunswick, there are no other programs. I want to do correspondence to get my upgrading and grade 12(Which cost 130.00$ each and I have to do 6) so I can do Wildlife conservation and eventually veterinary. But, how am I suppose to get into a school without any pre reqs? How am I suppose to get those pre reqs? I can't.

The system currently is flawed. I feel as though I am being punished for making a little mistake and not finishing school. 

The best part! Even if I did get my grade 12..That one credit.. The post secondary place won't give me funding anyway for school. Just won't do that. How am I suppose to pay $800-$900 on correspondence when I can't pay my rent? Which leads me to welfare..My husband makes $428.00 a pay check. He gets paid every 2 weeks. Our rent is $650. Our power bill is $120. We weren't eligible for welfare because he didn't make less than $380. We can't buy food. let alone pay the rest of the bills we have.

I feel stupid for not staying in school, I feel like my future is ruined because there is no help for me. I am stuck looking for work that everyone is looking to get employed at. What am I suppose to do?

I wish I was the only one that this was happening to. But it isn't. Isn't the system suppose to help us? Isn't the system there to protect us? As a human being we have the right to an education and the right to basic human needs. Right at this point I am not getting my education because the system says they won't help me, and I am pretty much not getting my basic human needs. I have limited food because I don't have a job and my husband works 4 hours. Some things are out of my control and there is nothing that we as individuals or couples can do about it.

So that is my rant for today..Thanks for reading.


Sunday 25 August 2013

Dealing with communication.

Hey everyone!
It's Kim here and as you may know from my last blog I am married and today has been a very trying day for me. So I want to discuss how I am getting through it and some things that me and my husband do usually to resolve issues that one of us are having.

So the day started out great and we did our own thing. Then at about 2 o'clock  I went to have a nap and during that nap I had a very horrible nightmare about my puppy(Chikondi) being stabbed. Then after I woke up I was really cranky. I started being snappy with my husband and getting annoyed by most f the things he did. Everything is still making me cranky while I write this blog. I am not quite sure why but I just need some time for myself to try and figure out why I am cranky and overreacting.

When me and my partner fight or have disagreements or one of us are cranky we give the other some space. I feel that for me I need some time to just gather my thoughts and feelings then I can talk to him about what I am feeling. We then talk about how he is feeling about what I am doing. One way that you could try getting away to think about things is just saying "I need some time to figure out what I am feeling" or so,etching along those lines. Then of course you take 10 or 15 minutes, maybe longer, to try and really think about what you are feeling and how you can express those thoughts to your spouse or friend. Communication is one of the biggest things in a relationship. If you can not communicate you can't have a healthy relationship which ultimately leads to the end of the relationship or both parties being unhappy.

I have a very hard time expressing my feelings. Which is very difficult when trying to communicate. I have gotten a lot better with practice but I still struggle. The way that I found helped me most was telling him little things first. Telling him that I actually was upset, or angry. After I worked on that I started telling him a little bit about WHY I was any or upset and that eventually worked its way into telling him everything at once..most of the time. I still struggle with it and he still struggles with it.

The first thing you need to do is realize that you have to start communicating.

Than you have to decide what steps you want to take to be more comfortable talking. Another thing we tried was sitting down at night and talking about things that happened that day, or if you are more comfortable writing, write letters to your spouse or friend.

After you are comfortable with that step maybe start telling him some more personal things about your past, about your feelings. Just little things so that you can build trust with them. (Also while you are trying to communicate better they also have to try to communicate better. It isn't a one sided deal.)

Once you are completely comfortable telling him little things from your past maybe pick a bigger event that happened that you might not want to tell them or you are unsure of he they will react when they hear it.

Eventually things will just start coming out. You have to take it slow and be able to trust the people you are telling these things to. Trust takes time to build.

In the end it is very rewarding to know that there is someone that cares about how you are feeling and   Just cares about you in general.

I hope this helps get some of you moving. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Friday 23 August 2013


Hey everyone!

I want this blog channel to be about Life. Everything from marriage to procrastination to allergies. All from my personal experience. 

Hopefully this blog channel will help you in some way.

So, Who else out there just got married?

Well I did. My name is Kimberly Pin...No it's not. It's Kimberly Pozzolo.
I got married on July 12th 2013 to an amazing man. Jeremiah. We got married in his moms backyard which was amazing. We had a small wedding about 50 people and everything was put together at the last minute type thing. Half way through the movie we realized that no one had the rings, and before that we were in the wrong spot and the sun was blinding us and so on and so on.

Even though we had a bunch of things that could have gone differently I wouldn't change it at all. It was simple and romantic and it was perfect.

I have been married for a month now but as all couples there are things that aren't always the best about marriage, or any relationship.

This blog is going to be about my personal experience and giving some tips that helped with my relationship and the things we have done to over come any obstacles. I am in no way saying that we do everything right. There is many times where we look back on a situation and think that we could have done better or at least differently.

There are some things that I am not proud of but I feel like we get along very well and we are both usually very open with each other which wasn't always the case.
I think the biggest and most important thing in a relationship in communication and trust. You have to trust that when you put your feelings out there that he\she won't just knock you down or not care. Also you have to be willing to communicate. Tell him\her when something is wrong or when the other is doing something you don't feel is very appropriate. At the same time you have to let them be themselves. While you can criticize as much as you want you aren't going to get anywhere that way.
You need to be open and forthcoming with your feelings. Which is very hard. Me and my husband had to go through many months of practicing communication and it was very hard. You may know that something is wrong with the other person but whenever you ask they say "No" which can make you feel untrusted. The biggest thing for us was that we started with little things. If I was feeling sad and angry I started off with saying that I was in fact angry or sad. I didn't go into detail(that came later in the process) but it was a start.

That is all for today. I am hoping that my experience will help you with your experience as well as your experience helping with my experience.

So, tell me about your wedding?  Was it a big wedding? Winter wedding?