Friday 4 October 2013

Getting exercise!

Hey guys! How are you all doing?

Yesterday I talked about cleaning the house...Which I still need to do. Today I want to talk about getting outside and getting some exercise and be moving.

Now I know that our lives are very busy and we just think "I'll just do that later....I'll start exercising tomorrow." And so on. I was like that for a very long time, and still am most of the time. But now I have a puppy which needs to be exercised regularly. Chikondi is probably the main reason I started getting out and walking every day. So that is one reason to be up and active. But that isn't enough. It's a start, which s great! Now for a couple weeks I was doing pilates and I loved it. But I got sick and things just fell apart and I haven't been able o gt back into the routine. I am going to give you guys some tips to get into the routine of exercising!

1. Time. 

Okay, so we all know that there isn't enough time in th day. But we all know that exercising is very important so we need to think of ways to make time to exercise. A few ways that I find time is instead of watching a music video or two in the morning while getting ready, Push back getting ready and find a 5 or 10 minute routine that you enjoy to do so it doesn't take up much time and you can be energized throughout the day. Or if you can't do that take a little bit of time while lunch or supper is cooking and do a few sit ups, push ups, squats. Something that will get you moving. Basically make time where you think that you don't have time.

2. Routines. 

Another thing you can do to help being able to exercise during the day is have a play list or routines picked out that are a couple minutes that you can do while either getting supper ready or just about to get into the shower. Instead of having to go and look through all of your routines and try and figure out which one you want to do that day, just pick one from your play list and do it. I know for me it can take 15 minutes to try and find a routine that I want to do. It's very time consuming.

3. Procrastination. 

My biggest issue with almost anything is procrastination and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I get caught up in youtube or other things that I just forget to do it. When originally I went on youtube to find a routine to do. I don't know how to not procrastinate when it comes to things that..don't REALLLY need to be done. If it something that needs to be done then I am all over it. But something like..dishes, exercising, laundry..any house chores really I am just horrible at getting it done. But I'm working on it. A good way to stop procrastination is to exercise with some one else. A friend or family member that you feel comfortable with then when you don't do it you aren't just letting yourself down. It may help you find the time to do it even though you don't really want to.

Those are my tips to try and get some exercising done. Hope they are helpful.

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