Friday 4 October 2013

A few tips to make house cleaning easier!

Hey guys!
How is everyone doing?

For the last few weeks I haven't been feeling well and I have just been bumming around the house. not really doing anything. making my house not the cleanest. This is the first time I have been on my own(Away from my parents) so it is extra hard to remember to do all that cleaning stuff. I envy those people that are just naturally clean and organized. If I am feeling well and everything is right in my life then I am a clean person. When there is stress in my life that I am unable to cope with then, my house suffers. So I have come up with a few tips that I want to share with you to help keep your house clean!

1. Putting things away. 

I think one of the biggest things for me personally is putting things away after I use them. Now, you must understand that I don't live by myself. I live with my husband and sometimes he isn't the cleanest and forgets to put things away. (Which can be very frustrating) A lot of the time when I'm cooking I will put things away after I am done using them..but that is only in the kitchen. Every where else in the house I don't do that as much. So I need to work on that. Also I need to work on not getting distracted or procrastinating.

2. Make a list\chart. 

I have a "gold" personality. Which means I like lists and organization and structure. Making a list that I can see and check off the things that I have done is very rewarding to me. I like to see the things that I need to do instead of coming up with them on the spot. I would never get anything done. When I was growing up we had "chore lists" that my mom would make up and we would check off the list what we did and if we didn't get something done that day we had to do it the next day along with the other chores. Which makes sense to me. Of course there were chores that we had to do everyday, like the dishes and since we had at least 5 people in the house everyday we normally had to do laundry everyday. So make a list, or a chart and put it up where you can what the point of this section was. If you are more willing to do things for a reward, reward yourself with a show or some internet time or something that you enjoy doing so that you are more willing to get things done faster.

3. Pick a certain time to do certain  tasks. 

Another thing that really helps me is having a set time to do tasks. For example doing dishes either, after supper, in the morning, or before going to bed. Sometimes I like to do dishes after every meal that isn't for everyone though, But picking a time that works well for you will make all the difference.
People say that it takes between 15 - 20 times to get into the routine of something. So even though it is difficult and you don't want to do the dishes, in reality, no one else is going to do them and the more you put them off the more dishes you will have to do when you do have the energy to do them.You have to be persistent.

4. spread out tasks. 

Instead of doing EVERYTHING all on one day I find it more helpful to do things over a period of the week. Of course having those few chores that need to be done daily or every other day, like dishes and laundry. Things like sweeping, mopping, cleaning the bathroom, dusting could be done every week. I believe that sweeping on mopping should be done on the same day and then have things like the bathroom be done around Thursday or Friday, maybe do some dusting on the weekend. Not everything has to be done on one day. Space things out and don't over exert yourself.

5. Distractions. 

Don't get distracted. a really good thing for me is to have a play list that I can listen to or a few shows that I can watch\listen to while I clean. The worst thing for me to do is to have to switch songs every 3-4 minutes, I just get distracted by the computer and facebook and things like that, then I don't get things done. The faster you get things done the more time you have for yourself.

And that concludes this blog!  Let me know how this works out for you or if you guys have any suggestions for me, please don't hesitate to comment.

Bye guys!

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