Wednesday 25 September 2013


Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't been blogging lately. I have had a lot of things going on.
First I went to Nova Scotia to visit my family and my husbands family for a week. Then My mother in law and her other kids came up to our house for a week. So I have been with my mother in law for 2 weeks.
It got a little intense. I mean I love them so much and love visiting them but I love my space. I am an extreme introvert. I like my own space with no one in my house...which I haven't been able to have for such a long time.
Second. I have been accepted into school! Veterinary Hospital Assistant. I am starting on October 7th. Which I am so excited for! I am someone that needs to be doing something, either working or school or..something. But I haven't been able to find work. So Monday I picked up my books and have been studying my butt off..just so I can get a grasp at what we are going to be learning. So I might not be able to keep the blogs up to date as well but I will certainly try!

Anyway have a good day guys! I'll see you on the next blog.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Exercising and being healthy

Hey guys, how is everyone doing?
As you can tell by the title I want to talk a little about exercising and being healthy.

The other day me and my family decided to do some pilaties and it was great. The next day my muscles were so sore but I had this very strong feeling of pride. I was proud of myself for pushing through that work out. I liked it so much that I have decided to do some more exercising. Tomorrow I am going to be doing that same video, that same routine and tomorrow I will feel sore but amazing. I am a person that likes to exercise. But my husband is not.
One way that is good to get a partner to exercise with you is to give them something in return that they want. Also if they aren't into the work out that you are into, maybe look for something that they are interested in. If they like video games make a pact saying that every time they work out with you, you have to play a game with them.
You don't want to push yourself too hard, so if you are looking to do a video of some sort make sure that it is a beginnger one so that you aren't over working your muscles. Ese into exercising, maybe start with once a week or just a couple of times a week. The point of exercising is to become healthy and happy with your body, you don't want to push yourself and end up hurting yourself which may lead to not being able to exercise for a couple if months. It is very important that you don't over exert yourself. Another way to exercise without taking time out of your day to exercise if you just don't have time is to exercise while you are doing the dishes or start running a little while walking if you have time for that. Today, me and Chikondi (my puppy) went for a walk and we would run for a few minutes until I couldn't and then we walked for a  e minutes until I could get my breath back. There is always something you can do, maybe it is jumping jacks while you re watching tv or leg lifts. Be creative with your time. It will pay off in the long run.
After working out you need to get your blood sugar back up with something healthy..not deep fried French fries. Smoothies are very good for getting your energy back and they are pretty healthy. For me, I want to be healthy all over. I want to be eating healthy as well as exercising. But I don't like vegetables so it is pretty hard. We are also tight on money which makes it much harder because we all know that a bag of chips is cheaper then fruit. One thing that we are doing is stocking up on one type of food (meat/starch) one week and then buying fruits and veggies another week. As I don't like veggies I have to push myself to pick up things that I might not like, but I have to force myself to exact. And trying new things. It takes 15 times to change your taste buds..that isn't so bad is it? You just have to push through those first times and then it becomes routine.
I am going to be updating more about my struggles with eating healthy and exercising. But I also want to hear your struggles and successes!